
2007年4月29日 星期日

看了 what women want 又學了些新東西,同大家分享.

I have been in this racket for over 30 years 我做了這行 30 年了

She is a bitch on wheels 她很有把砲

Let's cut to the chase -- 很多人都知道chase這個詞解釋“追趕”。Cut to the chase這個習慣用語來自好萊塢電影。很多電影裏最精彩的片斷是跟蹤追擊的場面,不論是牛仔英雄縱馬追殺惡棍、還是警方飛車追捕逃犯的鏡頭,都相當扣人心弦,被認作是影片的重要環節。導演說: cut to the chase,也就是把攝影鏡頭切換到追蹤場面。換句話說是進行最重要的攝製工作。但是cut to the chase也被廣泛應用在商界。

He's such a schmuck (schmucck is a jewish term to describe someone who tends to make stupid mistakes and decisions)

i have butterflies in my stomach -- (Butterflies in the stomach is a medical condition characterized by the physical sensation of a "fluttery" or "tickling" (hence butterflies) feeling in the stomach.)

i heard you were a tough, chauvinistic prick 麻煩,自大的笨蛋

I am a man-eating bith Darth Vader of the ad. world 我係廣告界的「吃男人女魔頭」Darth Vader (Darth Vader is a fictional character in the Star Wars universe. He is the pivotal character to the original Star Wars trilogy and Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith.)

Verbatim 一字不漏!

Dont fall for a guy at work. 不要與工作的人談戀愛
