
2008年4月21日 星期一

grep in VIM

When you use vim / gvim, one of the problem is it is diffcult to do search strings in file. I have written code below solve this problem. You can search for strings in vim with the following command :grep. Example: Suppose you want to search in your source code all occurrence of Debug.*Log, you can do the following:

Please download it here (Linux, Windows, Windows in Cygwin)

1 則留言:

秀竹 提到...

您好, 小弟從http://blog.elleryq.idv.tw/2006/06/notegrep-in-vim.html 這個布洛格連過來的, 目前您的下載連結漏失了, 請問您有時間修正它嗎?